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Auxiliary Inputs

Auxiliary Inputs, Aux Input, Auxiliary Energy, Process Loads

Patrick Chopson avatar
Written by Patrick Chopson
Updated over a week ago

There are many aspects of a buildings' energy use that are not part of the Rooms, Zones, and systems that make up the majority of an energy model. These includes items like the Service Hot Water, Elevators and Escalators, Exterior Lighting, and other process loads like garage fans. To complete the modeling of the building a dedicated interface will cover all these Auxiliary Inputs.

How are Inputs Accessed and Used?

All inputs will be available in a similar format to the Air Systems and Mechanical Plants. A catalog full of templates will enable quick creation of standard approaches to each input type. Users will be able to save and reuse their own templates. Once added to models, auxiliary results will be included in standard reports and the Time Series Viewer.

What Inputs will be available?

Auxiliary Input page include following Inputs:

Service Hot Water modeling with Electric or Gas Storage and Electric Instantaneous systems. Each system can be customized based on the sizing criteria, equipment, and pumping. Input definitions can be saved and reused via Personal and Firm Templates.

Elevators and Escalators energy modeling. Such equipment can include any form of vertical transportation and can be assigned a fractional schedule denoting when it is active. Hourly an Annual energy use can be reviewed as a part of the results.

Exterior Lighting modeling for tradable and non-tradable surfaces for different lighting zones according to ASHRAE Standard 90.1 Table 9.4.2-1,2; enabling users to calculate baseline power based on lighting power allowance and model the proposed power according to project needs.

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