Energy Results Annual

Standard Annual Energy Results Report, EUI, Total Site Energy, Operational Costs, Load Profile

Patrick Chopson avatar
Written by Patrick Chopson
Updated over a week ago

The Energy Results Annual report available the Results Page includes standard access to the buildings performance. Graphs, along with tables are provided for annual and monthly energy consumption broken down by end use, monthly operational costs, and monthly load profile. A PDF and Excel version of the report can be exported and shared. Additionally the operational cost rates can be adjusted here.

Annual Results Graph and Legends

Annual Site Energy Breakdown

The left panel includes the Site Energy Breakdown graph, along with legends for each graph present. The annual Site Energy Breakdown graph can be viewed as absolute values (MBtu or MWh) and EUI (kbtu/ft2 or kWh/m2) by adjusting the toggle. Mousing over each portion of the donut graph will display a tool tip with the end use and value.

Below the annual graph are three legends: End Use Breakdown, Operational Cost, and Load Profile. Following is a description of all the available data, the source, and units.

End Use Breakdown

These are all the energy end uses within the building. Reporting units are MBtu (million Btu) for IP projects and MWh (million watt-hours) for SI projects.

  • Humidification - energy used by electric or gas humidifiers. If both type are present, this value is the sum of both electric and gas energy use.

  • Heating - energy used to heat the building. This is the sum of electricity, gas, and district heating sources.

  • Cooling - energy used to cooling the building. This is the sum of electricity and district cooling sources.

  • Heat Rejection - energy used by heat rejection equipment. Heat rejection equipment includes cooling towers.

  • Service Hot Water - energy used by the service hot water systems in the building. This is the sum of electricity and gas sources.

  • Pumps - energy used to distribute fluids throughout the building by pumps. This also includes energy used by heat recovery devices such as energy recovery wheels.

  • Fans - energy used to distribute air throughout the building by fans.

  • Lighting - energy used for lights in the building. this is the sum of interior lighting and exterior lighting.

  • Equipment - energy used by miscellaneous equipment in the building. This is a sum of the electricity, gas, interior, and exterior sources.

  • Elevators & Escalators - energy used by the auxiliary input for elevators.

Operational Cost

These are the costs associated with energy use in the building. These costs are calculated live on the platform and will be impacted by adjusting the various utility rates. The units will be USD for projects located in the US and in the currency of each country when located in other locations.

  • Gas - cost associated with the gas energy uses in the building. This is calculated based on the Gas Rate.

  • Electricity - cost associated with the electricity end uses in the building. This is calculated based on the Electricity Rate and Electricity Rate Demand.

  • District Heating - cost associated with the district heating end uses in the building. This is calculated based on the District Heating rate.

  • District Cooling - cost associated with the district heating end uses in the building. This is calculated based on the District Cooling rate.

Load Profile

The load profile provides a view into the total heating and cooling loads along with the outdoor temperature. The load is reported in MBtu/h in IP and MW in SI and the temperature is reported in Fahrenheit in IP and Celsius in SI.

  • Total Heating Load - this is the sum of the hourly heating load for the building per month.

  • Total Cooling Load - this is the sum of the hourly cooling load for the building per month.

  • Average Outdoor Temperature - this is the monthly average of the hourly outdoor dry bulb temperature for the building.

Note that in the load profile, the heating and cooling loads are provided as the sum or total for the month. This is to provide a sense of what load, heating or cooling, is the most impactful in a given month. The values will be different from energy, as the total load is calculated before the HVAC system which is the actual energy consumer.

Monthly Results Graphs

Viewing a buildings performance as monthly values is helpful to understand the seasonal differences in energy demands. In addition to the web based view, these graphs and data are available in PDF and Excel exports.

Monthly Site End Use Breakdown Graph

This graph shows the monthly energy consumption broken down into each end use. Hovering over the stacked bar graph will provide a tool tip of the current value. In addition selecting VIEW MORE will open a table of all the values. Note that the colors can be referenced back to the legend. Also mousing over the block will reveal the name of that category.

Monthly Operational Cost Breakdown

This graph shows the monthly total cost per source as stacked bars. Hovering over the bars or line will provide a tool tip of the current value. In addition selecting VIEW MORE will open a table of all the values. Note that the colors can be referenced back to the legend.

Below the graph are the energy cost rates used. The electricity and gas rates will be preloaded based on the projects location and can be edited at anytime. When editing these values the graph and resulting totals will automatically update. The District Heating and District Cooling will have a default value of 0.50 $/kWh and the default Electricity Rate Demand will be 18.62 $/kW which is based on commercial rates in our hometown of Atlanta, GA. To update these inputs simply click into each number.

Load Profile Graph

This graph shows the monthly total heating and cooling loads as bars and a line denoting the average outdoor air dry bulb temperature. Hovering over the bars or line will provide a tool tip of the current value. In addition selecting VIEW MORE will open a table of all the values. Note that the colors can be referenced back to the legend.


The Energy Results available as standard annual and monthly graphs and tables can be used to show building performance. Running multiple simulation or projects allow for quick and easy comparison of design options. With the PDF export results can be shared quickly with the wider design team to increase communication. The Excel export is helpful for teams who need to further post process the data and provides seamless access to the results of their projects.

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