Time Series Viewer

Whole Building Energy Modeling Results, 8760 Results, Hourly Data

Patrick Chopson avatar
Written by Patrick Chopson
Updated over a week ago

The Time Series Viewer allows for viewing the hourly results from the simulation. A variety of variables are available to view such as building energy, weather, heating and cooling loads, and cost. Preset groups are included for quick viewing of common graphs and all data can be exported as an image or Excel file.

Using the Time Series Viewer

Viewing the vast amounts of data that each energy model simulation produces can be challenging. With the Time Series Viewer organizing and interrogating this data is easy! Following is a description of the available functions and actions in this tool.

Selecting Presets and Variables

Presets are groups of variables that are commonly viewed together. These help to auto generate graphs that tell specific stories about the results. Currently there are three Presets: Total Site Energy by End Use, Operational Costs, and Annual Load Profile.

To select a Preset, check the box next to the name. This will auto select all the variables that are grouped in the Preset. At the same time the graph will render the variables live!

Selecting Presets on the left hand panel

Variables are individual data sets that consist of the full year hourly data for the quantity described. Variables can be selected manually, or via Presets and offer detailed look at the behavior of the model.

Customize Graph Line Types

The Time Series Viewer includes a color and style selector for customizing how variables are displayed. To open the color sector click on the colored circle next to any selected variable. This will open up a panel to control the color, style, and thickness of the line.

There are 11 line styles ranged from solid, to dash-dot. Line thickness can be adjusted between 1 and 6. Colors can be selected via the HEX code, the RGB values, visually with the gradient, or from a series of defaults. All selections are saved within the project.

Navigating the Graph

The Time Series Viewer main feature is of course the large line graph at the center of the screen. This graph is highly dynamic to allow maximum flexibility when exploring the hourly data sets available from your energy model. Here are some of the key actions that can be done on the graph.

Zoom in and Reset Zoom

The graph will start by showing the entire time series. To Zoom into a specific period click, drag, and release over the area of interest. This will zoom in the graph to that period! You can zoom in further by repeating the steps. When you are ready to view the entire graph again click the Reset zoom button which will be in the upper right corner of the graph.

gif showing zooming in and reseting zoom of the graph


When you are zoomed in hold the shift key, click and drag to pan. This allows for quickly adjusting the data in view:

Export an Image

At any time you may click on the camera icon in the upper right of the screen to export a .png image of the current graph. The Image will be 1920 x 1060 and include the title, axis labels, and legend. Use this function to quickly and easily generate content to share in presentation, in communications, or reports.

Export Spreadsheet of Data

At any time you may click the Excel icon in the upper right of the screen to export a .xlsx file containing the fully hourly data for the selected variables. The exported file will contain each of the selected variables their own column and the first column will be the Time Stamp. Note the spreadsheet export is always the entire 8760 hourly data set and is not reduced if the graph is zoomed into a shorter time period.

Variable Definitions

There are over 40 variables currently available for each simulation. Note that data is only populated into the variables for simulations that have that specific item. For example, a project without any mechanical pumps, the Total - Pumps variable will not include any values.

All results data is extracted from a standard .sql database created by the EnergyPlus simulation engine. The variable names found in this .sql database are included in the Source column of the following table to help teams understand the specific source for all results. Some variables are based on other variables and for these the formulas used are provided.

Energy - Site




Total - Gas

kBtu or KWh


Total - Electricity

kBtu or KWh


Total - Heating

kBtu or KWh

Sum(Heating, Gas - Heating, Heating Hot Water)

Total - Cooling

kBtu or KWh

Cooling + Total District Cooling

Total - Fans

kBtu or KWh


Total - Pumps

kBtu or KWh

Pumps:Electricity + Heat Recovery

Total - Service Hot Water

kBtu or kWh

Sum(WaterSystems:Electricity, WaterSystems:NaturalGas)

Total - Lighting

kBtu or KWh


Total - Equipment

kBtu or KWh

Total - Interior Equipment + Total - Exterior Equipment

Total - Heat Rejection

kBtu or KWh


Total - Interior Equipment

kBtu or KWh

Interior Equipment + Gas - Interior Equipment

Total - Exterior Equipment

kBtu or KWh

Exterior Equipment + Gas - Exterior Equipment

Energy - Electricity





kBtu or KWh



kBtu or KWh


Interior Equipment

kBtu or KWh


Exterior Equipment

kBtu or KWh



kBtu or KWh



kBtu or KWh


Heat Recovery

kBtu or KWh


Service Hot Water

kBtu or KWh



kBtu or KWh


Energy - Fossil Fuel




Gas - Heating

kBtu or KWh


Gas - Interior Equipment

kBtu or KWh


Gas - Exterior Equipment

kBtu or KWh


Gas - Service Hot Water

kBtu or KWh


Gas - Humidification

kBtu or KWh


Diesel - Heating

kBtu or KWh


Diesel - Service Hot Water

kBtu or KWh


Propane - Heating

kBtu or KWh


Propane - Service Hot Water

kBtu or KWh


Oil - Heating

kBtu or KWh


Oil - Service Hot Water

kBtu or KWh


Energy - District Systems




Total District Heating

kBtu or KWh

Heating Hot Water + Service Hot Water

Heating Hot Water

kBtu or KWh


Service Hot Water

kBtu or KWh


Total District Cooling

kBtu or KWh


Heating and Cooling Loads




Building Heating Load

kBtu/h or kW


Building Cooling Load

kBtu/h or kW






Dry Bulb Temperature

°F or °C

Site Outdoor Air Drybulb Temperature

Wet Bulb Temperature

°F or °C

Site Outdoor Air Wetbulb Temperature

Relative Humidity


Site Outdoor Air Relative Humidity

Wind Speed

MPH or m/s

Outdoor Air Wind Speed

Direct Radiation

w/ft2 or w/m2

Site Direct Solar Radiation Rate per Area

Diffuse Radiation

w/ft2 or w/m2

Site Diffuse Solar Radiation Rate per Area

Sky Clearness

Site Daylighting Model Sky Clearness

Sky Brightness

Site Daylighting Model Sky Brightness

Operational Costs

All costs are calculated directly on the platform with the hourly energy consumption values. This allows for maximum flexibility and quick updates to the results when the utility rates change.

Note that costs displayed on the Time Series Viewer is only the consumption rates and does not include the demand rate for electricity.





$ or local currency

Sum of all Fossil Fuel Costs


$ or local currency

Consumption and Peak Cost

District Heating

$ or local currency

Consumption Cost

District Cooling

$ or local currency

Consumption Cost

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