Assembly Details: Assembly Builder

How to review and modify assembly details?

Patrick Chopson avatar
Written by Patrick Chopson
Updated over a week ago

Assembly Details tab provides the user the ability to review, customize and create layers of an assembly.

Assembly Details is the third window in the Assembly Builder interface, located in the extreme left.

How to use the assembly details window?

  • Assembly Category and Name
    Click on the name to edit it. Click on the icon beside it to change the category of the assembly.
    Changing the assembly category changes the following:
    a) The icon on the assembly card.
    c) The options for assembly type - exterior-interior, exposed-ground contact, it doesn't impact the calculations.
    b) Calculation methodology for a few layers, for eg. effective r-value for floors vs walls for cavity insulation.
    d) The assemblies will appear under the changed category in drawing.tool for assignment.

  • Assembly Properties
    Click and edit all the properties of an assembly like Energy code, description, climate zone, assembly type, textures (coming soon). Source cannot be edited.

  • Results
    The total assembly values - thickness, performance, cost, and embodied carbon are calculated based on the product layers in the layer editor. To look into calculations click on the question mark or read here.

  • Layer Editor
    Create, customize and delete layers in the layer editor.
    a) Create: Click on the + exterior/ +Top to add a new layer at the top and + interior/+Bottom to add a new layer at the bottom. They are located on the right-hand side in the Mini Map.
    b) Copy: Select a layer (or multiple layers) by clicking on the checkbox or clicking on a layer in the mini-map and using the copy button on the right top corner of the layer editor to create a duplicate.
    c) Delete: Select a layer (or multiple layers) by clicking on the checkbox or clicking on a layer in the mini-map and using the delete button on the right top corner of the layer editor to delete. Linked layers cannot be deleted separately - to delete them either unlink the layers or delete both of them together.
    d) Move: Hold a layer and drag to change the order of the layers.
    e) Edit: Click on a layer to open the Accordion. Each accordion has a set of fields including - Category, Type, Manufacturer, Product Name and Product Properties like thickness, cost, r-value/u-value, embodied carbon, SHGC, etc. unique to each product layer. The accordion works in a tree structure which means selecting a category will shortlist and show the types of products falling under that category. These details can be edited, including changing the R-Value to reference total layer thickness or R-Value per inch or millimeter (based on project units)

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