Assembly Library: Assembly Builder

What is the assembly catalog? How to use it?

Patrick Chopson avatar
Written by Patrick Chopson
Updated over a week ago

Assembly Library is a collection of all the assemblies available for use on project. These are a combination of defaults along with assemblies created by you rand your firm.
It is the first panel in the Assembly Builder, located on the left-hand side. It can be collapsed when not being used.

Image: Assembly Library

How to use the assembly library?

  • Filter
    Filter the assemblies based on single or multiple assembly categories - Roof, Walls, Floors, Vertical Fenestration (Windows, Curtain walls etc.), and Skylights. Another filter can be added to shortlist assemblies is Energy Code Minimum and Generic (definitions in the assemblies section below).

  • Search

    Use this feature to search an assembly using text or numeric values. The search looks in all fields of the Assembly making it easy to locate the specific Assembly you need. Search starts while you type, shortlisting the assemblies including the content you are searching for.

  • Assemblies

    There is a huge list of pre-made assemblies displayed as cards that are provided by the cove.tool platform. Select an assembly to add it to the Project Assemblies window to customize, review, and assign assemblies.

    • TABS: There are 4 tabs shown:

      • All - Displays all the assemblies in the assembly builder

      • Firm - Displays assemblies that are available to everyone in the firm

      • Personal - Displays assemblies that are available to the user for all the projects

      • Default - Displays pre-made assemblies provided by the platform

    • DEFAULT ASSEMBLIES: There are 2 types of default assemblies provided currently (more coming soon):

      • Energy Code Minimum Assemblies - Based on the recommendations mentioned in the energy codes for each climate zone and use-type

      • Generic Assemblies - Common assemblies most often used in the construction

      Each card is made up of the following data:

      • Name: identifies what that assembly is made up of

      • Energy Code: the energy code with which the assembly complies with

      • Climate Zone: the climate zone from that particular energy code with which the assembly complies with

      • Properties: the total thickness, R-value or U-value, embodied carbon and cost of the assembly for easy selection

      • Category: whether the assembly is a roof, wall, floor, vertical fenestration, or a skylight

      • Creator Source: who created the assembly, for default assemblies it will be cove.tool

      • Template: the source if the assembly was duplicated, for original default and custom assemblies, it will be None

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