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Baseline Energy

Feature summary of the Baseline Energy model, inputs, and outputs. Baseline Energy Page

Patrick Chopson avatar
Written by Patrick Chopson
Updated over a week ago

The Baseline Energy page is the heart of many calculations within analysis.tool. Briefly the Baseline Energy page presents the results of the Baseline Energy model, allows for modifying all inputs of that model, and includes several ways to export and connect data into many other platforms. This help article will provide an overview of Baseline Energy and link to more in-depth information on all topics.

What is the Baseline Energy model?

Energy consumption in buildings is a leading contributor of carbon emissions and operating costs. The Baseline Energy model calculates the energy consumption of a building over a whole year using inputs such as the weather, geometry, HVAC systems, and more. For more details on the Baseline Energy model please review these resources:

Using the Baseline Energy model

The Baseline Energy model is fully automated, so that when first visiting the page results are already available! The model can be adjusted through the inputs in the middle portion of the page. This can be helpful to explore options to reduce energy consumption, test hypothesis, and understand sensitivity of performance. Be sure to always click Recalculate after modifying inputs to see the new results!

We have extensive documentation for all the inputs and actions in the Baseline Energy model, here are links to more resources to get you started.

Results from the Baseline Energy model

The model results are presented across the top portion of the Baseline Energy page. From left to right these results are:

  • Proposed Whole Baseline EUI - this is the calculated energy performance of your building. It is equivalent to the proposed or predicted energy use reported by other platforms.

  • LEED Points - EAc2 Credit - this is the estimated points the project may receive under the EAc2 Credit of LEED version 4. The points are determined based on a LEED baseline run which follows the standard definition.

  • CO2 Reduction % - this is the calculated operational carbon emissions reduction for the proposed building. The baseline used here is the 2030 Challenge Baseline. An additional way to look at the savings is provided as Trucks of Ice per year.

  • Benchmarking Energy - this graph shows the 2030 Challenge Baseline and Target along with Your EUI which is equal to the Proposed Whole Baseline EUI.

  • Proposed Whole Baseline EUI Breakdown - this shows details of the Proposed Whole Baseline EUI for the key end uses. It is equivalent to the proposed or predicted energy use breakdown reported by other platforms.

In addition to the information available directly in your browser, there are several options for exporting or connecting the results into other platforms.

  • Create Report - this provides a PDF summary report of your projects performance.

  • OpenStudio Export - this provides an OpenStudio Model file that can be used by engineers and energy modelers.

  • Download - this provides a .csv file of all the inputs to the Baseline Energy model.

  • Update 2030 DDX - this connects your project to the 2030 DDx Reporting Platform saving projects teams time and headache while reporting their projects performance.

  • Let's Optimize - this bring you to the Optimization page to unlock the full potential of your projects performance with our Machine Learning enabled Cost vs. Energy (cove!) optimization.

Happy Modeling!!

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