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Room Templates

Working with Room Templates in loadmodeling.tool and drawing.tool

Patrick Chopson avatar
Written by Patrick Chopson
Updated over a week ago

Room Templates control the characteristic of enclosed spaces within a building. The characteristics include heating and cooling setpoints, ventilation rates (people-based, area-based, and exhaust), and internal loads (equipment, lighting, and people).

The Room Template page contains four panels. First, the Room Templates Catalog contains the standard default templates available for use. This is also where Personal and Firm templates are saved for access on future projects. Using the filter and search bar, required templates can be easily found. To copy a template from the main catalog to Project Templates, simply click.

Rooms Page Guide. Open in new tab to enlarge.

The second panel is the Project Templates, these are templates available for assignment to the projects rooms. Custom templates can be created here and later saved back to the Personal or Firm catalogs. To see more detail about a specific template, select it via a click and the Template Details panel will appear.

The Template Detail panel contains all the data associated with that template. It enables users the ability to edit all inputs, add or remove internal loads, delete, and save back to the Personal or Firm catalog.

The final section is the Rooms Assignment Table. Here template assignment to rooms is displayed, and can also be updated. When first starting a model the templates will be assigned based on defaults in the drawing.tool. To assign a new template to any room or group of rooms follow these steps:

  1. Select the rooms to update via the check boxes

  2. Select the appropriate template from the Project Templates.

  3. Click the assignment button at the top of the Rooms Data Table to complete the assignment.

Details for a Room Template can also be opened from the Room Assignment Table. By selecting the text in the Template column, the Templates details will automatically open for easy review of the project inputs.

Types of Room Templates

There are three types of Room Templates: Default, Project Level, and Custom Room Templates. Please refer to this article for further details on each type.

Assigning Templates in drawing.tool

When you select on a room in drawing.tool, the 'Identification' tab on the left hand side panel contains 'Template' drop-down. This drop-down contains a list of default templates for different types of buildings that can be assigned to the room.

If a project contains a unique room, then a custom room template can be created in loadmodeling.tool dashboard directly. Once a custom template is created, it is automatically added to the list of templates in drawing.tool. Scroll to the bottom to access the custom project level templates in drawing.tool. For more information on Room Template Types see this article.

Search and Filter

To help locate the exact template you are working on, you can utilizes the Search and Filter functions. The Search will find all the look in the Name field for each room template. The Filter allows you to select an Energy Code to reduce what is shown in the catalog down to just those options. This helps you locate the right room template faster!

Parameters assigned via Templates

Room Template Details

  • Name: This is the descriptive title for the template

  • Energy Code: This field describes the energy code associated with the template if any

  • Firm Name: The firm name that created the template, is automatically set when the template is created.

  • Creator: This is the owner of the template, for templates associated with your project you will be the owner, it is automatically assigned.

  • Description: Notes about the template can be updated in this field.


  • Cooling Setpoint [°F (IP) | °C (SI)]: The temperature setpoints for cooling mode. The temperatures are assigned based on a schedule, the highest and lowest values are displayed for reference.

  • Heating Setpoint [°F (IP) | °C (SI)]: The temperature setpoints for heating mode. The temperatures are assigned based on a schedule, the highest and lowest values are displayed for reference.

  • Regularly Occupied: This toggle denotes if the room is considered regular occupied and is for information only. To model a room with now occupants, remove the occupant load.

Note: To change a Room Templates setpoints, click on the schedule to select a different option. If a temperature schedule that represents the required setpoints is not available, it can be created on the Schedules page.

Air Flow Rates

  • Vent Calculation Procedure: Controls the calculation procedure for ventilation this room will follow. Current options are ASHRAE 62.1 Ventilation Rate Procedure and ASHRAE 170 (ACH).

  • Occupancy Category: This loads in the default template based on the rooms' occupancy type. There are 144 options from ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2019 and 88 options from ASHRAE Standards 170-2017

ASHRAE 62.1 Ventilation Rate Procedure Inputs

  • OA Flow per Person [CFM/Person (IP) | L/S/Person (SI)]: Outdoor airflow rate per person (Rp).

  • OA Flow per Area [CFM/ft2 (IP) | L/s/m2 (SI)]: Outdoor airflow rate per unit area (Ra).

  • OA Flow per Room [CFM (IP) | L/s (SI)]: Outdoor airflow rate per room

  • Exhaust [CFM/ft2 (IP) | L/s/m2 (SI)]: Exhaust rate per unit area

  • Exhaust per Unit [CFM (IP) | L/s (SI): Exhaust rate per fixture (toiler, urinal, etc.) within the room

  • Default Number of Units: This is the default number of units found within the room, this can be adjusted per room in the Ventilation Calculation Table.

  • Default Cooling Air Distribution Effectiveness: this is the default air distribution effectiveness. It can be adjusted per room in the Ventilation Calculation Tables.

  • Default Heating Air Distribution Effectiveness: this is the default air distribution effectiveness. It can be adjusted per room in the Ventilation Calculation Tables.

ASHRAE 170 (ACH) Procedure Inputs

  • OA ACH: The max or occupied air change rate required for outdoor air

  • OA ACH Unoccupied: The min or unoccupied air change rate required for outdoor air

  • EA ACH: The max or occupied air change rate required for exhaust air

  • EA ACH Unoccupied: The min or unoccupied air change rate required for exhaust air

  • SA ACH: The max or occupied air change rate required for supply air

  • SA ACH Unoccupied: The min or unoccupied air change rate required for supply air

  • Calculation Ceiling Height: The ceiling height which will determine the room volume for calculation.


  • Infiltration Rate Type: This controls the method used to calculate the infiltration for the room. Options are:

    • Flow per Floor Area - infiltration is based on the room area

    • Flow per ACH - infiltration is based on the room volume

    • Flow per Exterior Wall Area - infiltration is per area of the external walls only

    • Flow per Exterior Area - infiltration is per the area of external walls & roofs

    • Flow per Room - infiltration an absolute value for each room

  • Schedule: The schedule controlling the infiltration. Schedules of type = Other can be assigned

  • Infiltration Rates [CFM/ft2 (IP) | L/s/m2 (SI)] or CFM (IP) | L/s (SI): Infiltration is modeled at neutral pressure of 4Pa. This field is dynamic based on the type selected.

Service Hot Water

Service Hot Water (SHW) usage can be calculated per room. When this method is used, the following inputs become part of the simulation, otherwise they will be ignored.

  • SHW Name: Name for the selected template.

  • SHW Schedule: Service Hot water Schedule name for the select template. Schedules of type = Equipment can be assigned

  • Peak Flow Rate [gpm/person | l/s/person]: The flow rate per person of the template.

Internal Loads

Electric Load Type

  • Electric Gain Name: Electric equipment load name for the selected template

  • Electric Gain Schedule Name: Electric equipment schedule name for the selected load. Schedules of type = Equipment can be assigned

  • Electric Equipment Power Density [W/ft2 (IP) | W/m2 (SI)]: Electric equipment load per unit area.

  • Electric Gain Method Toggle: Electric gain can be expressed in watts (W) when this toggle is used. Default is W/ft2 in IP or W/m2 in SI.

  • End-use Subcategory: This field allows a user-defined end-use subcategory, e.g., “Computers”, “Copy Machines”, etc. A new meter for reporting is created for each unique subcategory. If this field is omitted or blank, the equipment will be assigned to the “General” end-use subcategory.

  • Electric Gain Fraction Latent: This field is a percentage number between 0 and 100 and is used to characterize the amount of latent heat given off by electric equipment in a zone.

  • Electric Gain Fraction Radiant: This field is a percentage number between 0 and 100 and is used to characterize the amount of long-wave radiant heat being given off by electric equipment in a zone.

Electric Gain Fraction Lost: This field is a percentage number between 0 and 100 and is used to characterize the amount of “lost” heat being given off by electric equipment in a zone.

*Note: All btu/h values for the loads need to be converted to Watts before assigning it to a room template as an electrical load.

Light Load Type

  • Light Gain Name: Light load name for the selected template.

  • Light Gain Schedule Name: Light schedule name for the selected template (e.g., 'Office Building Lights')

  • Light Power Density [W/ft2 (IP) | W/m2 (SI)]: Light load per unit area.

  • Light Gain Method Toggle: Light gain can be expressed in watts (W) when this toggle is used. Default is W/ft2 in IP or W/m2 in SI.

  • End-use Subcategory: This field allows a user-defined end-use subcategory, e.g., “Task Lights”, “Hall Lights”, etc. A new meter for reporting is created for each unique subcategory. If this field is omitted or blank, the lights will be assigned to the “General” end-use subcategory.

  • Light Fraction Radiant: This field is a percentage number between 0 and 100. It is the fraction of heat from lights that go into the zone as long-wave (thermal) radiation.

  • Light Fraction Visible: This field is a percentage number between 0 and 100. It is the fraction of heat from lights that go into the zone as visible (short-wave) radiation.

  • Light Fraction Return Air: This field is a percentage number between 0 and 100. It is the fraction of the heat from lights that go into the zone return air (i.e., into the zone outlet node).

Occupant Load Type

  • People Gain Name: People load name for the selected template.

  • People Gain Schedule Name: People schedule name for the selected template (e.g., 'Office Building People')

  • People Gain Method Toggle: People gain can be expressed in the total number or per area using this toggle. Default is ft2/people (IP) or m2/people (SI)

  • Occupant Activity: The activity of occupants and the associated heat gains are assigned via a schedule. Typically these schedules will be constant, however if activity of occupants changes throughout the day, this can be captured in the schedule!

  • Total Gain per Person [Btu/h/person (IP) | W/person (SI)]: This is the total heat gain (sensible convective and radiant, and latent). The value is reported based on the summer design day schedule and must be adjusted in the schedule if required. The Latent portion is calculated based on a polynomial function in the EnergyPlus engine, additional information on this function can be found here.

  • CO2 Generation Rate [Ft3*hr/min*Btu (IP) | L/s*watt (SI)]: This numeric input field specifies carbon dioxide generation rate per person. The default value is 0.000024 Ft3*hr/min*Btu.

  • People Fraction Radiant: This field is a percentage number between 0 and 100 and is used to characterize the type of heat being given off by people in a zone.

  • ASHRAE 55 Comfort Analysis: When the toggle is switched on, warnings are generated when the space conditions are outside of the ASHRAE 55 comfort range.

Gas Load Type

  • Gas Gain Name: Gas equipment load name for the selected template.

  • Gas Gain Schedule Name: Gas equipment schedule name for the selected template.

  • Gas Equipment Power Density [W/ft2 (IP) | W/m2 (SI)]: Gas equipment load per unit area.

  • Gas Gain Method Toggle: Gas equipment gain can be expressed in watts (W) when this toggle is used. Default is W/ft2 in IP or W/m2 in SI.

  • End-use Subcategory: This field allows a user-defined end-use subcategory, e.g., “Cooking”, “Clothes Drying”, etc. A new meter for reporting is created for each unique subcategory. If this field is omitted or blank, the equipment will be assigned to the “General” end-use subcategory.

  • Gas Gain Fraction Latent: This field is a percentage number between 0 and 100 and is used to characterize the amount of latent heat given off by gas equipment in a zone.

  • Gas Gain Fraction Radiant: This field is a percentage number between 0 and 100 and is used to characterize the amount of long-wave radiant heat being given off by gas equipment in a zone.

  • Gas Gain Fraction Lost: This field is a percentage number between 0 and 100 and is used to characterize the amount of “lost” heat being given off by gas equipment in a zone.

  • CO2 Generation Rate [Ft3*hr/min*Btu (IP) | L/s*watt (SI)]: This numeric input field specifies carbon dioxide generation from gas equipment.

Default Room Templates

There are several default templates available. The inputs in these templates are derived from various ASHRAE Standards, primarily the ASHRAE 90.1 User Manual. Here is an overview of the internal gain assumptions for all default templates.

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