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Detailed schedules used in loadmodeling.tool

Patrick Chopson avatar
Written by Patrick Chopson
Updated over a week ago

Schedules are used throughout load and energy modeling tools. Each schedule defines when what is being defined occurs in the simulation. For example if a building will have 45 people, a schedule will define that 50% arrive at 8am and then at 10am 100% are in the building. Finally at 6pm the schedule will define that everyone has left for the day by setting the percentage to 0. In similar fashion schedules help control many inputs in a building analysis model including lighting, equipment, set points, water flow temperatures and much more.

The default settings by EnergyPlus for thermostat control (including deadband behavior) for the zones are explained here.

Schedule interface guide (right click image, open in new tab to enlarge)

Schedules Page Guide. Open in new tab to enlarge

Using Schedules

Each schedule on the platform includes three components: Winter Design Day, Summer Design Day, and the operational days.

Winter Design Day is used sizing the heating components of the model. Typically this day is set to 0% for internal gains as this will produce the worst case situation for sizing of heating coils etc.

Summer Design Day is used for sizing cooling components of the model. Typically this day is set to 100% (saturated) for internal gains as this will produce the worst case situation for sizing of cooling coils etc.

The Days of Operation are the actually intended schedule for the building. These will be variable based on when the building opens, what controls schemes are being implemented etc. Operational Days include a Default Day which is assigned to all days, unless an additional day type is added. The additional New Day Types can be assigned by day, and allowing detailed yearly schedules to be created. Use selection buttons below each Custom Day to define the days and month it will be applied to. In the example below the Custom Day is applied to every Sunday and Saturday, January to December.

Types of Schedules

To help organize the many schedules required for any given project each schedule is assigned a type. Schedules are only assignable to loads, setpoints etc. based on the type.

  • Lighting - Fractional. Assignable to any lighting load

  • People - Fractional. Assignable to any occupant load

  • Equipment - Fractional. Assignable to any gas or electric equipment load

  • Temperature - Absolute: F or C. Assignable to any setpoint

  • Other - Fractional. Used for system specific parameters

  • Activity - Absolute: Btu/h per person or W per person. Assignable to people activity rate inputs

Search and Filter

To help locate the exact schedule you are working with you can utilizes the Search and Filter functions. The Search will find all the look in the Name field for each schedule. The Filter allows you to select a Type or Energy Code to reduce what is shown in the catalog down to just those options. This helps you locate the right schedule faster!

Editing Schedules

Schedules can be edited by adjusting the sliders. Simply select the slider and type in the desired numeric value to quickly and accurate update.

All sliders can be adjusted at once! To modify the entire schedule at once, simply hit the 'Toggle All' and modified the value as desired.

Assigning a Schedule

Upon creating a schedule, it can be assigned to a specific room template from the template details panel. The following GIF shows how a schedule can be switched from the default option:

Video Tutorial

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