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Embodied Carbon Inputs

inputs, advanced, structural, embodied carbon

David Speedlin avatar
Written by David Speedlin
Updated over a week ago


Construction Type

The building construction type or scope, selected from new construction or renovation.

Expected Building Life

The building’s design life cycle, selected from 20, 60, 75, or 100 years.

Design Stage

The project's design stage at time of embodied carbon analysis, selected from schematic design, concept design, design development, construction documentation, construction, or completed.

Structural System

The project’s main structural system, selected from steel frame with infill beams, steel frame with open-web steel joists, glulam frame with CLT decking, or cast-in-place concrete. This will set the default values for the horizontal, vertical, and slab systems to correspond with the selected system.

Grid Spacing

The typical structural grid spacing or bay size for the project. The default is 9.144m (30ft) for both directions.



Foundation Type

The project’s foundation type. The default will be set to piles for buildings greater than six stories and strip footings for buildings less than six stories.

Pile Foundation

This section includes inputs for pile foundations. At least one of the following is required and will be used to calculate the other:

  • Foundation Diameter: the diameter of each pile

  • Foundation Depth: the depth of each pile.

If both values are provided, the total volume will be calculated directly.

Strip Foundation

This section includes inputs for strip and footing foundations. Defaults are provided but may be overridden.

  • Footing depth – depth from bottom of slab to top of footing.

  • Strip Width – Width of footing strip, outside to outside.

  • Footing Thickness – Thickness of the footing strip.

If all values are provided, the total volume will be calculated directly.

Pier Foundation

This section includes inputs for pier foundations. At least one of the following is required and will be used to calculate the other:

  • Foundation Diameter: the diameter of each pier

  • Foundation Depth: the depth of each pier.

If both values are provided, the total volume will be calculated directly.

Slab on Grade

Slab on Grade systems will be calculated by the assembly set in Assembly Builder unless overridden in the embodied carbon options page.

Superstructure Systems

In order to build reasonable structural quantities estimates, cove.tool applies principles of structural engineering to create a conservative estimate for material quantities. The following systems are supported:

  • Frame Structures

    • Vertical Elements

      • Structural Steel Columns

      • Glulam Columns

      • Cast-in-Place Concrete Columns

    • Horizontal Beam/Girder Elements

      • Structural Steel Sections

      • Open Web Steel Joists

      • Glulam Beams/Girders

      • Cast-In-Place Concrete Beams/Girders

    • Horizontal Slab Elements

      • Composite Steel Decking with Concrete Top

      • Cross-Laminated Timber (CLT)

      • Cast-In-Place Concrete

Secondary Beams Per Bay

The typical number of infill beams per bay.

Joist Spacing

The on center (O.C.) spacing between joists for open web steel joists.

Lateral Bracing

The lateral bracing system to be used, selected from Concrete Shear Wall, Mass Timber Shear Wall, Masonry Shear Wall, or Steel Braced Frame.

Number of Braced Bays

The total number of structural bays to be braced.

Grid Dimensions

Grid dimensions may be set in x and y directions between 2m ( ft) and 30m ( ft). Grid dimensions control the shape of the structural bays used to estimate the structural quantities for the project.


Number of Enclosed Stairwells

The number of standard enclosed egress or fire stairwells. The dimensions of which are calculated using the floor to floor height, typical number of floors served by each stair, and the standard stair width.

Stair Width

Standard width of egress or fire stairs, measured from the edge of tread.

Average Number of Floors Served Per Stairwell

Average number of floors served by each egress or fire stairwell. Used to determine the typical height of each stairwell.

Number of Monumental Stairs

Number of monumental staircases in the project.

Landing Area for Monumental Stairs

Total landing area for monumental stairs.

Number of Landings for Monumental Stairs

Total number of landings in monumental stairs.

Product Replacements

The estimated replacement life of each assembly or category. This field is used with the building lifespan field to calculate the number of replacements necessary over the building life.

  • Interior

    • Floors - Finish layer of the floor assembly

    • Ceiling - Entire ceiling assembly

    • Interior Wall - Entire wall assembly

  • Enclosures

    • Glazing - Glazed elements in all assemblies

    • Spandrel - Entire spandrel assemblies

    • Roof Weatherproofing - Roofing membrane layer of roof assemblies

    • Wall Insulation - Insulation layer in wall assemblies

    • Roof Insulation - Insulation layer in roof assemblies

    • Slab Insulation - Insulation layer in floor assemblies

Operational Carbon

Grid Decarbonization Scenario

The grid decarbonization scenario to be applied in the lifetime operational carbon calculation. Based on Cambium data from NREL. Read more.

Initial Electric Grid Carbon Factor

The electrical grid carbon factor is the amount of greenhouse gasses (kgCO2e) released for each kilowatt hour of electricity produced. Defaults are populated from current regional, national, and global data.

Initial Grid Factor Year

The year that the initial grid carbon data is sourced from.

Gas Consumption Carbon Factor

The gas consumption carbon factor is the amount of greenhouse gasses (kgCO2e) produced for each kilowatt hour equivalent of gas consumed.

Project Options

Year of Construction Completion

The year of project completion and occupancy.

Embodied Carbon Baseline

Embodied carbon baseline. Selected from EC3 or CLF baselines (high, medium, or low). This value is used to compare the selected EPDs and carbon profiles against a fixed baseline for improvement metrics.

Typical Floor Live Load

Typical floor live load, initially found using an area weighted average based on building type. This value may be overridden and will be used in estimating the worst-case load scenario for structural estimates.

Dead Load Class

Typical dead load conditions allowed. This value is used in estimating the worst-case load scenario for structural estimates.

Insulation for CMU

Select insulated or non-insulated concrete masonry units.

Advanced Engineering Inputs

Rebar Percentages

Typical rebar percentages by cross sectional area for each type of cast-in-place concrete member. If no percentages are provided, calculated values will be used in preliminary estimates. Providing percentages will override the calculated estimates.

Concrete Compressive Strength

28-day concrete compressive strength in psi or MPa. This value is used in structural quantities estimates.

Steel Yield Strength

The yield strength of steel, Fy, in ksi or MPa. This value is used in structural quantities estimates.

Load Safety Factors

Load safety factors for allowable stress design (steel) and load resistance factor design (concrete). Set to industry standards by default but may be adjusted.

Allowable Soil Bearing Pressure

The typical allowable soil bearing pressure for the site. Used as a reference when reporting to SE 2050 and in preliminary foundation calculations.

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