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Load Model Results

loadmodeling.tool results, room results, zone results, air system results, mechanical plant results, analysis

Patrick Chopson avatar
Written by Patrick Chopson
Updated over a week ago

The Results page of loadmodeling.tool allows for easy analysis of results specific to individual rooms, zones, air systems, and mechanical plants. Each result category can be viewed online or downloaded as a PDF and Excel spreadsheet. Below is a quick summary of each category:


The Room Results are divided into 3 sections - Load Results Room List, Room Load Results, and Detailed Room Results. Room results are calculated for each room within a Zone. When you select a room from the Room List you will see a detailed break-down of each room under Load Results such as area, occupancy, system, airflow, room checks, and peak load details. These results can be used to size diffusers, grilles, and tertiary ducts/piping. Rooms loads are always reported as the peak and reference the Winter and Summer Design Day schedules.


The Zone Results are divided into 3 sections - Load Results Zone List, Zone Load Results and Detailed Zone Results. When you select a zone from the Zone List you will see the results break-down of each zone under Load Results such as area, occupancy, system, airflow, zone checks, and peak load details. Selecting either the Cooling or Heating Peak will open the Detailed Load Results panel. Zone loads are coincident or block loads, meaning they refer to the Day of Operation schedules when determining the time of peak from the rooms assigned to that zone.

All Local Systems produce only Zone results. On the Results page, each Zone will be shown in the Load Results Zones Table. Selecting any of these will show the zone sizing results, along with the Zone component sizing for all equipment created as part of that system, or Zone Equipment Results. There will be no Central System results as there are no centralized components that are sized for Local Systems.

Air Systems

The Air System Results are divided into 3 sections - Load Results Air Systems List, Air System Results, and Detailed Air System Results. Each Central System in the project can be selected to view the detailed results, including airflow, coincident loads, coil sizing, ancillary equipment loads, and checks. Selecting the cooling and heating loads will open a graphic breakdown of end uses in the Detailed Primary Cooling/Heating Results panel.

It's important to note that Air Systems are sized via the EnergyPlus engine as the coincident peak of all zone and system-level loads. Coincident, or block load, is the simultaneous load on the system at a specific (peak) time. The coincident load is an actual peak for the system or building taking into account the dynamic nature of individual zone loads that make up the total.

Mechanical Plants

The Mechanical Plants can be divided into 2 sections: Load Results Mechanical Plants and Mechanical Plants Results. Each mechanical plant loop in the project can be selected to view the results consisting of different components such as chillers, boilers, pumps, cooling towers, etc. that are connected to air systems and provide chilled and hot water to those components. Results include system capacities, peak power, and fluid flow rates.

Export Reports

All results can be exported to both PDF and Excel reports. This provides standard means to view, share and connection load results to other workflows.

The PDF reports for Zones provide all the key result values in an easy to read and use format. All other components follow a consistent approach. Reports can be customized with your company logo!

The Excel reports provide all the result data generated. This opens up the data to a myriad of uses including connection to custom calculation spreadsheets, or linking directly back into Revit.

Finally, results can be accessed via API! Checkout our developer resources to understand how to retrieve a JSON file of the results here.

Energy Results

Each model will also report energy results when the setting is turned on. Results can be see on the annual dashboard and hourly Time Series Viewer.

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