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Copying loadmodeling.tool projects

FAQ, copy project, load model, copying results

Patrick Chopson avatar
Written by Patrick Chopson
Updated over a week ago

Copying a project is a useful means to store project milestones, or create alternative we wish to compare. To copy any project simply follow this guide.

Due to the nature of each load model, some information will be replaced by default values when a model is copied.

  • Spreadsheet Exports of the results are not included, however can be recreated by running the simulation again. Alternatively the files will be available in the original project

  • The Building Analysis Model is also not included in the copied project. If required simply re-run the simulation to produce this export. Alternatively the file will be available in the original project

Information is generally saved within the model and can be re assigned as needed.

  • Each Project Room Template, Schedule, Air System, and Mechanical Plant will be present with all settings saved in the copied model

  • Zones created and the Rooms assigned to them will be included in the copied project

  • The Project Data Editor will retain all Zones assignments to Air Systems

  • All other settings and inputs in the model will be included

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