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What is the cove.tool API?

API v2 explained

Patrick Chopson avatar
Written by Patrick Chopson
Updated over a month ago

This article will explain the main features and intent for the cove.tool API v2.0. It is written for the everyday analysis.tool user; for a developer aimed breakdown, check out this post.

The cove.tool API is a tool for users/developers to programmatically interact with analysis.tool without using the web interface. API is an acronym for Application Programming Interface, which is a software intermediary that allows two applications to talk to each other. Each time you use an app, send an instant message, or check the weather on your phone, you’re using an API. The cove.tool API will allow users to integrate results from analysis.tool directly into their platform. Receive project details like building geometry, energy codes, EUIs, 3D analysis, and more.

Note that the API is targeted toward users who want to write their own code to interact with analysis.tool. The everyday architect may not have the skill set to set up the connection required to fully integrate the API. Please review the developer-centric documentation ( before purchasing access to the API.

What functionality is available?

Via the API, users can perform the following actions:

  • Obtain a list of all energy codes supported by analysis.tool (*new to v2)

  • Obtain a list of energy codes supported for a specific project (*new to v2)

  • Create a new analysis.tool project (*new to v2)

  • Return a list of all projects and their details (all projects for the business/user)

  • Retrieve details about a specific project

  • Update a project's details (*new to v2)

  • Retrieve a project's EUI breakdown

  • Upload 3D geometry for a project

  • Initiate daylight analysis for a project (*new to v2)

  • Retrieve grid-based mesh data from daylight analysis (*new to v2; users can use this data in their own 3D rendering software; will require development work on the user's end)

  • Obtain a remaining number of analyses (*new to v2)

  • Stop all analyses (*new to v2)

Happy Modeling!!

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