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Title 24 2016 and 2019

analysis.tool automates the energy modeling inputs for the California Energy Code

Patrick Chopson avatar
Written by Patrick Chopson
Updated over 2 months ago

Title 24 is the Building Energy Efficiency Standard from the state of California. It is designed for new and existing construction to achieve the desired energy efficiency and preserve environmental quality. The California Energy Commission is responsible for adopting, implementing, and updating the building energy efficiency standards. The Energy Commission is required by the law to adopt standards every three years that are cost-effective for homeowners over the 30-year lifespan of the building.
analysis.tool automates Title 24 2019 and 2016 versions with 16 different climate zones spread across California. The measures for energy efficiency according to different climate zones are referenced from Title 24, Part 6 of the California Code of Regulations.

The following table contains the source of some of the automated inputs that analysis.tool refers:

Total CFM Calculation Method
If the space is served by a mechanical system, it should be capable of providing the outdoor air rate no less than the larger of:
1. The conditioned floor area of the spacetimes the applicable rate from Table 120.1-A; or
2. 15 cfm per person times the expected number of occupants.
The expected number of occupants varies based upon the building type and project needs, therefore, analysis.tool calculates the total CFM by following path 1 stated above. If the exact number of occupants is known and path 2 exceeds the total CFM value calculated by path 1 then the user can easily edit the total CFM value via ‘Baseline Energy’ > ‘Building System’ > ‘Mechanical Ventilation Supply Air Flow Rate (CFM)’.

Adoption of Title 24 Versions:
1. California Title 24 2016 version came into effect on January 1, 2017.
2. California Title 24 2019 version will come into effect from January 1, 2020.

Per, the 2022 Energy Code will go into effect on January 1, 2023. once the code is effective, analysis.tool will add it to its directory of codes.

Find out more about Title 24 here:

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