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cove Academy

Is there an analysis.tool training program/certification?

Written by Jiahua Wu
Updated over 2 months ago

What is cove academy?

The cove academy is a library of resources for those looking to become analysis.tool experts. This self-paced course is broken up into bite-sized lessons to allow you to learn and explore at your own pace. Complete the quizzes and pass the final test with a passing score to earn certification. The first two courses launched in mid-2022 and are a great way to quickly upskill yourself on the key concepts and functionality of cove's products.

INTRO101: Introduction to Building Performance Analysis

Estimated Length: 45 min - 60 min

This Beginner to Analysis.tool Course will cover everything you need to know to get started with using analysis.tool and high-performance design. By the end of the course, you learn how to create a project in analysis.tool, run environmental analysis, and optimize your project for both energy and cost. There are 10 sections with several alternative learning paths based on your preferred workflow.

GEOM201: Revit Plugin Modeling Best Practices

Estimated Length: 45 min - 60 min

The Revit Plugin Modeling Course, gives an overview of the Revit Plugin workflow and its features for uploading your model geometry. Participants will gain insights into helpful tips for exporting Revit models and additional beneficial workflows and features. There are 2 sections in this course that cover not only fundamental modeling knowledge but also ideal model properties. By the end of this course, you will know how to analyze your building's performance with a Revit model.

GEOM202: SketchUp Plugin Modeling Best Practices

Estimated Length: 15 min - 25 min

The SketchUp Plugin Modeling Course guides participants through the nuances of integrating analysis.tool into their SketchUp design frameworks, highlights best practices for geometry preparation and export and offer insights into mixed-use project methodologies. There are 2 sections in this course that cover the workflow and tips of using SketchUp plugin. By the end of this course, you will know how to analyze your building's performance with a SketchUp model.

GEOM203: Rhino/Grasshopper Modeling Best Practices

Estimated Length: 25 min - 35 min

The Rhino Modeling Course gives an overview of the Rhino/Grasshopper workflow and the best practices for uploading your model geometry. The 3 sections in this course cover the introduction of grasshopper script, tips and tricks in preparing your Rhino model, and retrieving your daylight results in Rhino/Grasshopper. By the end of this course, participants will know how to analyze your building's performance with a Rhino model.

SUS301: Using analysis.tool at Different Design Phases

Estimated Length: 25 min - 35 min

The analysis.tool at Different Design Phases Course gives an overview of the analysis.tool and its many features. Participants will gain knowledge of the appropriate application of certain features in various phases of design. The 2 sections in this course cover the introduction of 3D analysis including sDA and ASE, shadow study, site context, radiation analysis, sun hours, quality views and COVID assessment analysis. By the end of this course, participants will know how to easily get 3D simulation results and LEED report for room-by-room sDA, ASE and Quality Views.

SUS302: Optimization Tool, Bundles and Cost

Estimated Length: 20 min - 35 min

The Optimization Tool, Bundles and Cost Course gives an overview of the optimization feature in analysis.tool. Participants will gain knowledge of how the optimization feature, templating, and project comparison works and best practices recommendation. By the end of this course, participants will be able to explore product alternatives to find the most cost-effective and energy-efficient building designs.

SUS303: Breaking Down the Automated Report

Estimated Length: 20 min - 35 min

The Breaking Down the Automated Report Course dives into comprehensive reports generated by analysis.tool, exploring building performance, sustainability metrics, and energy efficiency. The two sections in this course help to understand our report including benchmarks, energy analysis, water use, climate analysis and etc. By the end of this course, participants will be able to interpret data, customize reports, and effectively communicate insights to stakeholders.

SUS401: Optimizing for Tenant Improvements, Renovation and Restoration Projects

Estimated Length: 30 min - 45 min

The Optimizing for Tenant Improvements, Renovation and Restoration Projects Course explores the importance of renovating existing buildings for sustainability. Participants will learn about the step-by-step workflow and optimization features that can help make your renovation projects more energy-efficient and cost effective. The two sections in this course help to identify the energy conservation measures and the best ECM bundles. By the end of this course, participants will be able to analyze the impact of tenant improvements like LPD, HVAC, material selection and more.

SUS402: Understanding Embodied Carbon & Carbon Emissions

Estimated Length: 35 min - 50 min

The Understanding Embodied Carbon & Carbon Emissions Course provides participants a comprehensive understanding of carbon terminology and the critical importance of measuring carbon emissions. It explores the role of renovation and retrofit projects in effectively managing carbon emissions, dives into practical insights as we demonstrate how cove.tool utilizes advanced calculations to assess carbon metrics, providing you with hands-on experience in navigating its workflow and interpreting results. The three sections in this course walk through the fundamental knowledge of embodied and operational carbon and introduce the step-by-step workflow of cove.tool carbon analysis. By the end of this course, participants will be able to generate an embodied carbon report for their own project.

SUS403: 2030 Reporting and Best Practices

Estimated Length: 30 min - 45 min

The 2030 Reporting and Best Practices Course dives into the significance of the AIA 2030 Commitment and thoroughly examines essential sustainability metrics. Additionally, it provides a step-by-step guidance on configuring your DDX portal integration. Participants will explore the critical role of reporting and acquire the skills to connect your analysis.tool projects with the DDX portal. By the end of this course, participants will be able to report their project results to DDX efficiently and facilitate a data-driven decision making process.

Tracking Progress

As attendees accomplish each section, all progress will be recorded on your course dashboard. At the completion of each course, you will receive a certification showcasing your accomplishments.

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