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Import Results to Revit

Connecting load model results with Revit Spaces

Patrick Chopson avatar
Written by Patrick Chopson
Updated over a week ago

There are many advantages to having heating and cooling loads, along with air flow requirements stored in Revit Spaces. For one it helps while modeling in Revit to see these values directly, and further it enables several automated workflows that further speed up the design process!

Getting the load model results from loadmodeling.tool into Revit is easy thanks to our Excel exports. Many tools and add-ins to Revit enable sending data from Excel into elements such as Spaces. Our recommendation is to utilize Dynamo which is a powerful, visual programming language built into Revit. Using Dynamo allows your team a high level of flexibility and customization that ensures the workflows meets your unique needs.

To get you started we have prepared a Dynamo import script which will import several fields from our standard rooms_summary.xlsx into default parameters of Revit Spaces. The fields that will be imported are:

  • Total Heating Peak Load -> Design Heating Load

  • Total Cooling Peak Load -> Design Cooling Load

  • Supply Air Flow -> Specified Supply Airflow

  • Return Air Flow - Set equal to Specified Supply Airflow

  • Exhaust Air Flow -> Specified Exhaust Airflow

Import Results with Dynamo Player

This method is recommended for team wide rollout. It does not require opening Dynamo at all and is therefore the most user-friendly! To use this methods follow these simple steps:

  1. Save the cove.tool_Import Space Results.dyn found at the end of this article to DynamoPlayer Folder.

    1. Note the folder can be found by selecting View Current Folder from the Player Dialog.

  2. On the Manage Tab of Revit click on Dynamo Player which should be on the far right.

  3. Click Edit Inputs under the cove.tool_Import Space Results Entry and select the rooms_summary.xlsx for your project.

  4. Click Play and wait while Dynamo automatically imports your results!

Import Results with Dynamo

This method is recommended for advanced users and anyone who needs a bit more control over the import. It uses the same import script provided below, however accesses the script directly in Dynamo. To use this methods follow these simple steps:

  1. Save the cove.tool_Import Space Results.dyn found at the end of this article to your local machine.

  2. On the Manage Tab of Revit, click on Dynamo, this will open the main Dynamo screen.

  3. Navigate to the saved .dyn file from step 1 and open.

  4. Click on the File Path Browser and select the rooms_summary.xlsx for your project.

  5. On the bottom left of the screen click Run and wait while Dynamo imports your results!

Details and Import Script

The Dynamo import script connects data by the unique identification of each Space. The parameter used are the Name and Number, which will be automatically imported via the Revit Room workflow. Before using the script please ensure that the Name and Numbers assigned to the Revit Spaces are the same as the ones used in drawing.tool.

Above is the layout of the script itself. There are two groups on the left which collect the information from Spaces, and the Excel File. On the right there are four groups that import one parameter each. These is where a lot of customization is possible, some examples and recommendations are:

  • Modify the Revit Parameters away from the defaults and use your Firm specific parameters.

  • Add more parameters to import from the Excel file into Revit.

Script Download

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