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EnergyPlus Tabular Output Report

EnergyPlus Results, EnergyPlus Report, Simulation Results

Christopher Riddell avatar
Written by Christopher Riddell
Updated over a week ago

The whole building energy simulation engine EnergyPlus produces a standard report of the simulation results which can be access in the Building Analysis Model Export. The report will be eplustbl.htm file and can be opened in any web browser to view. The report is broken down into 27 sections which can be navigated using the table of contents which is hyper linked throughout.

This is the standard report format that many jurisdiction reference for compliance reporting. While the same data is available in the curated and easy to read reports through the platform, occasionally it can be helpful to view the EnergyPlus version.

Following is a brief description of the results avaliable in the EnergyPlus Tabular Output Report, further detail is available direct from

Annual Building Utility Performance Summary

The Annual Building Utility Performance Summary report gives an overview of how much energy the building uses for different purposes.

In the Comfort and Setpoint Not Met Summary section, the term "facility hours" means the total number of hours when any part of the building didn't meet the comfort or temperature settings. This is commonly referred to as the Unmet Hours for the model.

The values in the End Uses section report monthly and annual energy uses grouped in the listed meters.

Input Verification and Results Summary

The Input Verification and Results Summary report gives a summary of important input assumptions that are not covered in other sections of the report.

When reading the performance Zone Summary table note the following conditions:

  • If the Zone Part of Total Floor Area is set to No, that zone will only be counted in the Not Part of Total row.

  • Otherwise, the zone is added to the Total row. If the zone is also conditioned, it is included in the Conditioned Total row. If it is unconditioned, it is added to the Unconditioned Total row.

Demand End Use Components Summary

The Demand End Use Components Summary report displays the breakdown of demand by component end use when the peak demand for each energy source is determined. The first row of the report indicates the time at which the peak demand occurs. The report provides information on the contributions of each end use during the peak demand of the energy source.

Source Energy End Use Components Summary

The Source Energy End Use Components Summary report generates a report consisting of three tables. These tables provide information on source energy categorized by fuel type.

The last two tables in the report present source energy data using area-normalized metrics.

Component Sizing Summary

This report helps in understanding the sizing requirements and performance of the HVAC system components.

Surface Shadowing Summary

This report provides an overview of how surfaces within a building model cast shadows on other surfaces. It helps identify areas where shading occurs, which can impact the distribution of solar radiation and affect the overall energy performance of the building.

Adaptive Comfort Summary

The Adaptive Comfort Summary report summarizes the comfort conditions experienced by occupants in relation to the specified adaptive comfort criteria. The report helps in evaluating the thermal comfort performance of the building and assessing whether the indoor conditions meet the adaptive comfort standards.

Initialization Summary

The Initialization Summary report includes details about the initial conditions, convergence criteria, and other parameters related to the simulation initialization. The report typically contains information such as:

Initial condition values, i.e initial conditions of variables such as temperatures, pressures, and flow rates for each zone and system component.

Convergence criteria: This details about the convergence criteria set for the simulation, including tolerance values for temperature, humidity, and other parameters.

Simulation settings: The information about the simulation timestep, the number of iterations performed during the initialization process, and any special initialization methods or algorithms used.

Energy balance information: Indicating the energy balance during initialization, basically projecting the level of energy conservation achieved.

Warnings or errors: The report may include any warnings or errors encountered during the initialization process, highlighting any issues that may affect the accuracy or reliability of the simulation results.

Annual Heat Emissions Summary

The Annual Heat Emissions Summary report provides an overview of heat emissions within a building, including breakdowns by zone, component, and fuel type. It helps analyze heat distribution and identify areas for energy efficiency improvements.

Annual Thermal Resilience Summary

The Annual Thermal Resilience Summary report provides an overview of the thermal resilience of a building, including information on temperature ranges, heating and cooling hours, and thermal comfort conditions. It helps assess the building's ability to maintain desired thermal conditions throughout the year.

Climatic Data Summary

This report provides an overview of the climatic conditions used in the simulation. It includes information such as temperature, humidity, solar radiation, wind speed, and other relevant weather parameters. This summary helps understand the environmental context in which the building simulation was conducted.

Envelope Summary

The Envelope Summary report offers a summary of the different components that make up the building's envelope. The first table provides information on the exterior opaque elements.

While the second table focuses on the fenestration elements (such as windows and doors).

Reflectance in this context is defined as one minus the thermal absorptance, which refers to how much heat the material absorbs.

Shading Summary

The Shading Summary report provides information on the amount of sunlight that reaches each window at different times of the year. It also includes a summary of the window controls.

Lighting Summary

The Lighting Summary report provides information about the interior and exterior lighting systems being simulated. It also includes a summary of the daylighting controls. The Interior Lighting table contains three columns with the following explanations:

  • Scheduled Hours/Week [hr]: This column represents the average weekly sum of hourly values based on a full year, even if the simulation is only conducted for a part of the year. It is not affected by daylighting.

  • Hours/Week > 1% [hr]: This column indicates the average number of hours per week when the lighting is above 1% of the design value.

  • Full Load Hours/Week [hr]: This column is based on the actual consumption of lighting and the hours during which the consumption occurred. It is dependent on the run period used in the simulation. If only a portion of the year is simulated, the value depends on which days of the year (including weekdays versus weekend days) are included in the simulation. This column also reflects the impact of daylighting control.

Equipment Summary

An overview of the HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) equipment present in the building reported in this section. The report also includes sub-tables for DX (Direct Expansion) coils, fans, and water heating equipment. It's important to note that not all types of HVAC equipment are covered in this report.

HVAC Sizing Summary

The HVAC Sizing Summary report provides information on zone cooling and heating sizing, peak load conditions, and system air flow sizing. The report includes the following details:

Zone Sensible Cooling and Zone Sensible Heating tables:

  • Design Load: Represents the zone's sensible load without considering system effects or ventilation loads.

  • User Specified Design Load and Airflow: The load and airflow values specified by the user.

  • Calculated Load and Airflow: The values calculated by the program.

  • Peak Load Time: The time when the peak load occurs.

  • Temperature and Humidity Ratio at Peak Load: The temperature and humidity ratio at the time of the peak load during the sizing periods.

System Design Air Flow Rates:

  • Calculated Cooling Air Flow Rate: The airflow rate calculated for cooling.

  • User Specified Air Flow Rate for Cooling: The airflow rate specified by the user for cooling.

  • Calculated Heating Air Flow Rate: The airflow rate calculated for heating.

User Specified Air Flow Rate for Heating: The airflow rate specified by the user for heating.

Coil Summary Report Table:

  • This table is a large dataset with 87 columns, containing various results organized by each individual coil in the building model.

  • The table can be viewed in HTML or CSV format, but it is expected to be used from the SQLite database.

  • The values -999.0 and -99999.0 are special placeholders used to indicate missing or unavailable data for certain fields or columns.

If you encounter a -999.0 value where data should be available, it is a software bug that needs to be reported. Similarly, -99999.0 is used to indicate autosized, autocalculated, or blank numeric input fields in EnergyPlus.

Coil Sizing Details

The Coil Sizing Details report provides detailed information about the sizing calculations and results for different coils used in the HVAC system. This report includes a variety of data organized by each individual coil in the building model.

Here are some key points about the Coil Sizing Details report:

  • The report is typically viewed in HTML or CSV format, but it is expected to be accessed from the SQLite database.

  • The report consists of a large table with 87 columns, each representing different fields or parameters relevant to coil sizing.

  • The data in the table may vary depending on the specific coil type and its configuration in the model.

  • Some fields or columns may have a special value of -999.0, indicating that data for that specific coil or field is not available or not applicable.

  • The report provides sizing information based on the design day simulations and other input parameters provided in the model.

  • The sizing details include various calculations and results related to coil performance, capacity, airflow rates, and other relevant factors.

Specific details and values in the Coil Sizing Details report may vary depending on the HVAC system configuration and the inputs provided in the simulation model.

System Summary

This report provides information about key components in the HVAC system, such as the economizer and demand-controlled ventilation. It also includes details on instances when zone conditions are not comfortable or when setpoints are not met.

The Time Not Comfortable Based on Simple ASHRAE 55-2004 sub-table shows the total number of hours that a specific zone did not meet the comfort criteria specified by the Simple ASHRAE 55-2004 standard. For the "Facility" row, it represents the total number of hours when one or more zones were out of the comfort range. The reported values are not adjusted based on the number of zones or occupants.

Time Setpoint Not Met: This sub-table displays the total number of hours that a given zone did not meet the setpoint criteria. Similar to the previous sub-table, the "Facility" row represents the total hours when one or more zones did not meet the setpoints.

The values in these sub-tables provide insights into the duration of uncomfortable or out-of-range conditions in the zones or facility as a whole.

Outdoor Air Summary

The Outdoor Air Summary report provides information about the average and minimum ventilation provided for each zone.

It is important to note that the reported information, including the Outdoor Air Summary, are controlled by the Output:Table:SummaryReports object.

The report variables used in the Outdoor Air Summary can be customized to meet specific requirements or preferences.

Outdoor Air Details

The Outdoor Air Details report provides detailed information on outdoor air flow for each zone and air loop.

  • The report includes subtables such as Mechanical Ventilation Parameters by Zone, Total Outdoor Air by Zone, Average Outdoor Air During Occupancy by Zone - Flow Rates, Total Outdoor Air by AirLoop, Average Outdoor Air During Occupancy by AirLoop, Outdoor Air Controller Limiting Factors by AirLoop, and Average Outdoor Air for Limiting Factors During Occupancy.

  • It also provides information on air loop names, occupant data, zone volume and area, design and minimum outdoor air flow rates, mechanical and natural ventilation, infiltration, dynamic target ventilation, and time metrics related to ventilation rates and occupancy.

Object Count Summary

The Object Count Summary report provides a summary of the count of each object type used in the EnergyPlus simulation model. It lists the number of occurrences of each object type and provides a comprehensive overview of the model's composition. The report is useful for understanding the distribution and usage of various objects in the simulation.

Energy Meters

This report provides the details on all the energy meters generated by the simulation.

Sensible Heat Gain Summary

The report provides a detailed breakdown of the major heat gain components for each zone in the building, as well as information about how the HVAC system satisfies the loads. i.e., it helps in understanding the sources of sensible heat gain in each zone and how the HVAC system manages and meets the cooling requirements.

Standard 62.1 Summary

This particular report in EnergyPlus generates a report that aligns with ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2010. It provides relevant outputs for calculations related to the standard. To generate the report, sizing calculations must be specified by setting Do Zone Sizing or Do System Sizing to Yes in the SimulationControl.

LEED Summary

The LEED Summary report is specifically designed to provide simulation results necessary for Energy and Atmosphere Credit 1 Optimized Energy Performance certification according to the LEED Green Building Rating System. The report includes relevant data and information required for LEED certification.

Annual CO2 Resilience Summary

Information and analysis related to the annual carbon dioxide (CO2) resilience of a building is seen in this section. It focuses on the building's ability to maintain a low carbon footprint and reduce its impact on the environment.

The report includes data and metrics related to the building's energy consumption, CO2 emissions, and its performance in terms of sustainability and resilience. It provides valuable insights into the building's energy efficiency measures, renewable energy utilization, and overall environmental impact.

Annual Visual Resilience Summary

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