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Exterior Doors

Engineering Inputs, Building Envelope, Doors, Thermal Envelope,

Patrick Chopson avatar
Written by Patrick Chopson
Updated over a week ago

Doors in Baseline Energy

Exterior Doors act as entry points for people and goods into buildings. They are also an important component of the buildings thermal envelope as they work to reduce heat gains or losses from conditioned interior. On the platform exterior doors can be accounted for directly on the Baseline Energy Page.

In order to include exterior doors into the Baseline Energy model enter:

  • The Door Area (ft² or m²)

  • The Door U-Value (BTU/h ft² F or W/m² K)

The default value for door area is currently set to 0 (ft² or m²). The Default U-Value is set as 0.37 BTU/h ft² F or 2.1 W/m² K.

Typically including doors will reduce the energy performance of a building as more heat gain and losses will lead to more energy consumption. When working on a project with a large amount of exterior doors it is helpful to select products that are highly insulated in order to reduce impact on the energy performance.

Doors from Geometry

Exterior Doors present in the imported geometry or drawn natively on the platform will populate the Baseline Energy inputs. Modifying these inputs on the Baseline Energy page will not translate back to the geometry regardless of source.

Doors in other analysis

Doors in the 3D Analysis feature will be treated as fully glazed. This means the SDa and ASE will be impacted by the doors.

Doors in loadmodeling.tool are treated as fully opaque and will only have conduction heat transfer, no solar radiation.

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