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Load Sizing Workflows

workflows, design phase, load results, air system result, zone result, plant result

Patrick Chopson avatar
Written by Patrick Chopson
Updated over a week ago

There are several paths through loadmodeling.tool to generate the results required at various stages of design. The platform is optimized for each of these workflows by using automation when speed is critical and limited design decisions are available. Later in design workflows become more circular, however the platform allows for easily adding detail when known, and automating in values that are not yet defined. Following are recommended workflows at different design stages and requirements.

Schematic Design - Room load estimates

During late concept or early schematic design is can be helpful to see a breakdown of the sources of load in various rooms. These tables or charts help teams to identify the most important strategies for reducing load and in turn peak equipment sizes on a project. Our platform produces exactly this for each Room or Zone and displays on the Zone Results page.

Producing Room results is simple, following these steps:

  1. Create a new project, assign building type, location and energy code on the Projects Page

  2. Import or create the building in drawing.tool

  3. [optional] Assign default templates to rooms to reflect activity of each room

  4. Export 3D geometry, select go to loadmodeling.tool

  5. Bypass all inputs and select 'Run Model' on the Settings Page

  6. View Room by room Results!

Detailed Design - Air System sizes for selections

During late schematic and early detailed design key pieces of equipment need to initial selections. For central AHU or localized PTAC or other systems this can be done by adding Air Systems to the project. These can then be assigned to the zones via the Project Data Editor providing detailed information about the entire design.

Producing the additional Air System results is simple, following these steps:

  1. Add any number of Air Systems to the project, modify to match design intent.

  2. Assign Zones to Air Systems to match design intent.

  3. Run model on the Settings page

  4. View Air Systems and Zone Results!

Detailed to Construction phase - Mechanical Plant sizes for selections

During late detailed design and construction documentation the final pieces of equipment must be sized and selected. For heating and cooling plants this can be done by adding Mechanical Plants to the project. These can then be assigned to the various sources on Air Systems such as the primary coil or reheat coil.

Producing the additional Mechanical Plant results is simple, following these steps:

  1. Add any number of Mechanical Plants to the project, modify to match design intent.

  2. Assign Plants to the 'source' inputs of Central and Local Air Systems.

  3. Run model on the Settings page

  4. View Mechanical Plant, Air System and Zone Results!

The above steps can be mixed and matched as needed. As projects progress, the platform allows for the circular workflows common in design. For example if the number of AHU is changed, simply modify on Air Systems, re-assign zones in the Project Data Editor to produced the updated sizing results!

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