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Automated Zone Load Results

zone results, ideal air loads, early stage, quick modeling, automation

Patrick Chopson avatar
Written by Patrick Chopson
Updated over a week ago

loadmodeling.tool enables engineers to enter in an unlimited amount of detail into a projects load model. This is critical for final selections and system sizing as teams produce their construction documents. However, the platform is also optimized to provide quick answers with minimum inputs. Here is one workflow an architect can follow to identify sources of load in a project for targeted design optimization.

'No touch' Room by Room Results

  1. Create a new project defining the building type, location and energy code

  2. Import or create the building geometry in drawing.tool

  3. Export geometry to loadmodeling.tool

  4. Bypass all input pages and simply run the model from the Settings Page

  5. View Results!

Results for each Zone will be reported with a detailed breakdown which identifies the key sources of load. How can this be used?

  • Toggling to view by %, design teams can quickly see if the glazing, roof, exterior walls, or internal loads are contributing the most to the cooling loads.

  • Once identified design teams can take action to reduce those loads through strategic refinement of the design.

  • Reducing heating and cooling loads will reduce first cost of the HVAC systems, leave more space in the building for architectural finishes, and help the building be more resilient!

User-uploaded Image

For a quick way to view the entire building load, export the results into Excel. Once there simply sum the results for each room to get a fast understanding of the peak heating and cooling loads, and the airflow of the building.

Following the above workflow our platform automates the following settings to provide Room level results.

  • A standard template based on the building type is applied, this is shown on the properties panel next to each room name & number

  • Zones are automatically created in a one-to-one fashion with the rooms

  • Zones are assigned to the Ideal Air Loads system by default

The above workflow can be modified by adding any level of additional detail required. For example additional default templates can be assigned in drawing.tool, or the single default template assigned can be adjusted via the Room Templates. Any of these optional steps will further refine inputs and the resulting sizing information.

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