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Product Library - Openings

analysis.tool products for openings

Patrick Chopson avatar
Written by Patrick Chopson
Updated over a month ago

Don't know anything about materials? This library will help you know more about the products for openings we have in our product database and assembly builder.

The products in openings are divided into 4 categories:

1. Glazing

a) Single Pane

Single-pane windows are made with a single layer of glass. Their initial cost is usually low, but they are not as efficient at keeping out noise or seasonal temperatures.

i) Standard and insulated glass

  • Used for windows typically

  • Thickness assumed - 1/4 inch

ii) Spandrel Glass

  • Used for spandrels typically

  • Thickness available: 1" (1/4" and 3/8" of plate glass)

b) Double Pane

Double Pane windows consist of two panes of glass in the same frame with a space between them. The gap typically filled with air provides an insulating layer, meaning much less heat loss through the windows in cold weather.

  • Used for windows, curtain walls typically.

  • Thickness available:

    • 1/2" (1/8" float glass)

    • 5/8" ( 3/16" float glass)

    • 1" ( 1/4" float glass)

    • 1/4" (clear and tempered)

2) Frame


  • Used for windows, curtain walls, spandrels typically.

  • Type and size available:

    • Aluminum Flush tube frame (1-3/4" x 4", 2" x 4-1/2", 2.25" x 4.5")

    • Aluminum double hung (3'-4" x 5')

    • Steel double hung (3'-4" x 5'-6")


  • Used for windows typically.

  • Type available: Vinyl clad

  • Sizes available: 4'-8" x 5'-0", 3'-0" x 6'-0"

3. Gas

A denser gas typically performs better as an insulator and is expensive at the same time. Three common gases used in the window pane gaps are the following.

a) Air

Air is the default option to be filled in the window gaps.

b) Argon

Argon is six times denser than air. It is found in a great number of energy-efficient windows, including most double pane models. Argon gas is found in windows with a space of ½ inch or more between panes.

c) Krypton

Krypton is twelve times denser than air. Krypton slows down or blocks thermal energy traveling through windows much more effectively than Argon, but is typically less used. Krypton gas is generally used in windows that have a 3/8 inch gap between panes (which are generally triple-pane models). This is the case both because it’s more cost efficient to pump Krypton into smaller spaces between window panes and because Krypton performs best as an insulator in this design.

4. Curtain Walls

A curtain wall is defined as thin, usually aluminum-framed wall, containing in-fills of glass, metal panels, or thin stone. The framing is attached to the building structure and does not carry the floor or roof loads of the building. They are available as assemblies in the product database with glass and aluminum frames combined based on how they are often available in the market. They are classified as single and double pane.

Glazing type: clear, clear and tinted, with film, spandrel
Gas fill - air, argon

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