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How to host an internal analysis.tool training
How to host an internal analysis.tool training

Presentation Materials

Patrick Chopson avatar
Written by Patrick Chopson
Updated over a week ago

Presenting analysis.tool to your firm? Hosting a sustainability workshop? Not sure where to find flashy gifs and screenshots that will excite your audience? This article packages everything you need to make a great presentation in 4 easy steps.

  1. Identify your audience

  2. Organize event

  3. Assemble the presentation

  4. Present and let analysis.tool do the rest

Step 1. Identify your Audience

Your audience will determine the direction and contents of your presentation. Is your group made up of architects, engineers, consultants, developers, or a mix of these professions? Have they already heard of analysis.tool, or is building performance an entirely new field to them? In your presentation, talking points must be tailored to fit the interests and needs of the audience. By the end, you should have a group engaged, eager, and ready to commit to a data-driven design process. Below is a collection of presentation formats that may best serve a specific group.

  • A firm with no sustainability practice experience may need analysis.tool to be presented as an educational tool. One which can make the transition to a new workflow seamless. Sharing articles, blog posts, and case studies from real users as well as demonstrating the app's intuitive workflow and real-time support will get the entire team on board.

  • A group of architects will need visuals and a hands-on demonstration. Walking them through the tool with a project they recognize can be incredibly insightful. Start by uploading a model with a plugin, orbit around the site model and a building's Daylight/Shadow/Radiation visualization, and run a cost & energy optimization. Communicating the vision and showing off the neat gadgets is a great approach.

  • Engineers already have a dozen tools they use, why should they invest the time and effort to learn another one? Talk about rapid prototyping as an engineering methodology to save project time by running the final detailed simulation only once. This is the question that should be answered in your presentation with an engineering team. Show what analysis.tool can do, and how it can improve the existing workflow. Point out the time saved with automation, how 3D models are not necessary for most results and include comparisons. Show how the arduous work of a full compliance model can be simplified.

  • Sustainability Consultants may not need much convincing. It's fast and powerful. Need to check a project for daylight? Architects asking about the benefits of photovoltaic panels? analysis.tool automates performance for all types so you can take on more projects and provide more design iterations to hit new codes and standards.

  • Developers, Contractors, and Owners will want to know one thing, will analysis.tool save them money? YES! Show them how the integrated cost is with every building decision in analysis.tool. Share case studies, and lay out the real statistics. Talk about collecting cost data and the importance of running it each time a new pricing package is created.

Step 2: Organize Event

Now that you know your audience, create an event that best serves the intent of the discussion.

Invitees, who will attend the presentation? Is this a leadership call or a firm-wide presentation? Who needs to be brought on for the best adoption?

Timing, when, and for how long is this going to take? Do you have 15 minutes to dazzle a crowd and just plant the analysis.tool seed into their minds, or is this a lunch hour session for anyone interested can drop by and learn? Agree on a time and date.

Agenda, let your attendees know what they can expect. Break down your presentation into 15-minute increments, for example, Overview, Walkthrough, Case study, and Questions. Always conclude your presentation with an open floor to field all questions. Most questions can be immediately answered with a support article, everything else can be clarified by the support team via live chatbox.

Step 3: Assemble the Presentation

This section is where to go to find all the helpful links and images you might want to make your presentation stand out.

  • 2-minute video - The fastest way to see the tool in action.

  • Pre-made PowerPoint presentation for Architects, Engineers, or Contractors - Pre-packaged talking points for instant success. Note that this link is provided upon request only. Alert the LiveChat support team (blue circle in the bottom right-hand corner), or your Sales Representative and they will share the most recent version of the presentation.

  • Features list - a list of analysis.tool's most exciting features. Each item comes with a brief overview and a graphic snapshot of the tool in action.

  • Pricing - Quotes are available upon request. Once a request is submitted, analysis.tool will assign your firm a Sales Associate who will learn more about your team and workflow, and find the best purchasing plan for you.

  • App Store - Everything plugin-related. Includes downloads for BIM add-ins, sample models, video tutorials, and more.

  • Help Library Glossary - Looking for an in-depth article on a specific topic or feature? Use the Help Glossary to learn more about Daylight, Energy, Climate, Carbon, Cost, Optimization, and more. The help articles will also typically include

  • Blog Post - Case studies, white papers, and other topical 5-minute reads.

Step 4: Present

Everyone is looking for leaders like you to change the AEC industry and save the planet from carbon emissions. You got this!

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