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Modeling Projects without Exterior Walls
Modeling Projects without Exterior Walls
Christopher Riddell avatar
Written by Christopher Riddell
Updated over a week ago

When tackling renovation projects or focusing on interior-only spaces, capturing accurate heat transfer between floors and rooms becomes a critical task. Even though the project may target only a few spaces, the need for precise thermal analysis is paramount. To address this challenge, we turn to the concept of voiding spaces to emulate adiabatic heat transfer.

Voiding spaces or making them unconditioned involves creating an artificial boundary to isolate the areas of interest from their surroundings. By assuming no thermal interaction with the voided regions, we can simplify the simulation process and concentrate solely on the targeted spaces. This approach proves invaluable in scenarios where heat exchange between the selected spaces and surrounding areas exists but isn't as dramatic as, if it were exposed to the ground or an exterior environment.

Here are three common scenarios where voiding spaces can be helpful:

Modeling a single floor between 2 floors.

  1. Create or import the floor you want to model.

  2. Click on the "+" icon in the floors section to add a new floor.

  3. Copy the entire floor with geometry using the "Copy" icon.

  4. Paste this floor geometry on the new Floor Level.

  5. The final step would be the change the template of Floor 1 and Floor 3 to "void".

This process will emulate modeling a single floor between 2 floors.

Modeling rooms that are just interior spaces.

  1. Create or import your project.

  2. Select all the spaces around the interior space you want to model.

  3. Change the template of the selected spaces to "void."

This process will emulate modeling rooms that are just interior spaces.

Modeling just the top floor

  1. Create or import the floor you want to model.

  2. Select the entire floor by using ctrl shift+clicking all the spaces.

  3. Once the entire floor is selected, hit the "+" icon (seen in the floors section of the setting page) and add a floor.

  4. Now copy "Floor 1" and paste it onto Floor 2.

  5. The final step would be the change the template of Floor 1 to "void".

This process will emulate modeling just the top floor, thus exposing the ceiling to the outside temperatures, but having unconditioned spaces below.

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