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Folder Settings

How folders work on project dashboard and how I can change the settings?

Patrick Chopson avatar
Written by Patrick Chopson
Updated over a week ago

With the new project dashboard, you can organize your projects in folders. To add a folder:

  1. You can simply click on the New Folder button.

  2. A window appears with a list of all the projects in your account.

  3. Add projects to the folder by clicking on the + icon - you can use the search box or navigate to the other pages at the bottom of the menu to find the projects

  4. The added or selected projects will appear on top of the list - you can remove them by clicking on the cross icon

  5. You can make this folder visible to everyone in your firm by checking the Business-wide folder box. The icon shown below indicate a business-wide folder

List of folders created in your account or shared with you can be found on the left bottom hand side of the dashboard. In the Folders List tab, you can find your personal folders and on the Shared With You tab, you can see the folders that are shared with you by your teammates.

Admin users can add and remove projects from the Business wide shared folders, rename, and make other edits. Non-admin users only have access to the projects within the folder and cannot make other edits. To denote this, non-admin users will see a lock icon next to the folder name.

How can I edit an existing folder?

To edit a folder, you can hover over the folder and click on the setting icon shown below (Number 1). A folder setting (number 2) window will pop up with the following functions:

3. You can change the name of the folder by typing in the name box and hitting save button at the bottom of the window

4. You can check the "business-wide folder" box to make the folder visible and accessible to everyone within your firm's account.

5. You can add/invite teammates to your folder by searching their name or using the drop-down menu and clicking on save button.

6. You can give the invitees either "edit" or "view" access type when inviting them to your folder.

Edit access type grants users the ability to add and remove projects and change the folder name.
View access type grants users the ability to only view the folder without being able to rename the folder or add/remove projects to the folder.

Note that the View and Edit access type only applies to the folder. You need to directly be invited to the projects by using manage teams feature in order to open and edit the projects within the shared folder.

7. You can delete users who have access to your folder by selecting them and clicking on "delete selected" button

8. You can Add/Remove projects to and from the existing folder on the "projects" tab. Use the search box or navigate to other pages to find the projects.


Admins of your account have the ability to check the business-wide folder, rename the folder, add/remove users and projects to and from the folder regardless of their access type.

Related Links:

  1. Guide to the New Project Dashboard

  2. Guide to the Admin Dashboard

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