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Simulation History

run history, model tracking, load model results, model iterations

Patrick Chopson avatar
Written by Patrick Chopson
Updated over a week ago

Projects can span many years and several iterations of the load model. To help track each step of the way a history of each run of your loadmodeling.tool project is saved on the Settings Page. The panel shows all previous runs with their status, start and end times, and provides the ability to export past models!

Downloading previous runs will provide the full building analysis model. This includes the results reports and spreadsheets, along with the previous .osm and .idf model files.

While a simulation is running it can be canceled with the Cancel action which will appear in the simulation history. This should be used if an update to the model was missed or if the model appears to be stuck. Stopping the simulation will allow editing and then restarting of the run.

Organizing Simulation History

Each previous run is saved in the Simulation History with the run's UUID as the name. The name can be edited to maintain organization of these runs. Simply click into the name field to enter the required name that will be saved automatically.

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