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Default Air System Catalog

Default Air Systems, central systems, local systems, air system AHU, DOAS, VAV, CAV, MAU, catalog

Patrick Chopson avatar
Written by Patrick Chopson
Updated over a week ago

Selecting air conditioning and ventilation system in buildings is an important step of early stage design. This article provide a list of generic systems provided as default systems on the platform. Engineers can select the desired system based on project's needs and further modify the system to their exact design intent. All of the default Air Systems can be adjusted and save by user and be used for future use.

CAV no Reheat

Constant Air Volume system provides air at a consistent and constant volume and only temperature of the air change. This system is connected to an Air Handling Unit (AHU) with hydronic heating and cooling coils and constant speed fans for both supply and exhaust. This template system includes the CAV No Reheat Terminal Unit and therefore does not include local temperature control

CAV w/ Reheat

Constant Air Volume system, equipped with reheat coil before the diffuser, allowing for thermal control at each zone. Main cooling and heating coils are hydronic and so are local reheat coils. Both supply and exhaust fans are constant volume.

CAV 4-pipe Induction

CAV AHU with hydronic primary heating and cooling coils. This primary air is passed through an array of nozzles in local induction terminals with hydronic heating & cooling coils. The temperature in the room is controlled by throttling the water through the coil with a valve or a damper which bypass the air around the coil. Both supply and return fans are constant speed.

CAV 4-pipe Active Chilled Beams

CAV AHU with hydronic heating and cooling coils supply the air to zones with local 4-pipe heating & cooling active chilled beams. Active chilled beam contains an integral air supply. This primary air passes through nozzles, which induce air from the space up through the cooling coil. Both supply & return fans are constant speed.

DOAS Active Chilled Beam

Dedicated Outside Air Systems supplying cooled, dehumidified outside air to the building in summer and heated outside air in the winter with hydronic heating and cooling coils with local 4-pipe heating and cooling active chilled beams to further allow thermal control at zone level. Both Supply & Exhaust variable speed fans

DOAS Packaged DX with FCU

This system is equipped with a dedicated out door air system with packaged direct expansion unit for cooling and uses hydronic heating coils. each zone also has a local hydronic fan coil unit. both supply and return fans are variable speed.


This system includes a dedicated outdoor air system with hydronic heating and cooling coils and local hydronic 4-pipe heating and cooling fan coil units. Both supply and exhaust fans are variable speed.


This central system includes a central dedicated outdoor air system with hydronic heating and cooling coils and local VRF fan coils for heating and cooling of the zone.

DOAS with Water Source Heat Pump

This system uses dedicated outdoor air system with hydronic coils and local water source heat pump. Both supply & exhaust fans are variable speed.

MAU - Heating and Cooling

Makeup Air Unit (MAU) is an air handler that conditions 100% outside air for interior use as an alternative to recirculating stale air. This default system uses hydronic heating and cooling coil with local VAV air terminal to condition the space with no reheat coil. Both supply and return fan are variable speed.

MAU - Heating Only

This system is equipped with local CAV terminal with hydronic heating coils and no reheat coils. Both supply and return fan are variable speed.

MAU - No Conditioning

This system only circulate outside air with no conditioning. Both supply and return fans are variable speed and there is no heating or cooling coil. System is sized for airflow requirements.

VAV no Reheat

This system consists of Variable Air Volume AHU with hydronic heating and cooling coils with local VAV terminals. Both supply and return fans are variable speed.

VAV with Reheat

This system includes a VAV AHU with hydronic heating & cooling coils with local hydronic reheat coils and VAV terminals. Both supply and return fans are variable speed.

VAV Series Fan Power Terminal Reheat

In a series fan-powered variable air volume system, each zone is conditioned by a box with a small fan that draws-in plenum return air and mixes it with supply air from a VAV AHU with hydronic heating and cooling coils and hydronic reheat. Both supply and return fans are variable speed.

VAV Parallel Fan Power Terminal Reheat

This system is equipped with VAV AHU with hydronic heating and cooling coils with parallel fan-powered terminals and hydronic reheat. Both supply & Return variable speed fans.

VAV 4-pipe Active Chilled Beams

This system includes VAV AHU with hydronic heating and cooling coils and constant volume 4-pipe heating & cooling active chilled beams. Both supply and return fans are variable speed.

Energy Recovery Ventilator

Energy Recovery Ventilator for each unit, supply and exhaust OnOff fans, and a heat exchanger. This system does not include heating and cooling, only ventilation air.

ERV with VRF

This local system includes an Energy Recovery Ventilator providing outdoor air and a VRF fan coil unit that handles all heating and cooling for the zone.

Local Fan Coil Units

This air system template consists of local hydronic Fan Coil Units for each zone.

Packaged Terminal Air Conditioner (PTAC)

This system contain a local PTAC for each Zone and is equipped with DX cooling coil, Electric heating coil, and an OnOff fan.

Packaged Terminal Heat Pump (PTHP)

A packaged terminal heat pump consists of a single piece of equipment for each zone, similar to a packaged terminal air-conditioner. This default system consists of local PTHP for each zone, constant fan, DX heating & cooling coils, and backup electric heating coil.

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