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Radiant Systems

Engineering Inputs: System Type, Baseboard, Panels

Patrick Chopson avatar
Written by Patrick Chopson
Updated over 2 months ago

What is a radiant heating and cooling system?

A radiant heating and cooling system refer to temperature-controlled surfaces that exchange heat with their surrounding environment through convection and radiation.

Radiant Floor Heating: Make Your Own Radiant Floor Heating

Radiant systems refer to the panels or embedded building components (floors, ceilings, and walls). Radiant heating and cooling systems can be used in commercial, residential, education, and recreational buildings. The application depends upon the climate conditions and on the ventilation system used.

The users can select the appropriate radiant system option if they wish to simulate baseboard systems.

Radiant systems analysis.tool supports

analysis.tool supports the following Radiant Systems:
a. CAV w/ Radiant, with Electric Resistance and Packaged DX
b. CAV w/ Radiant, with Gas Boiler and Packaged DX

c. DOAS w/ Radiant, with ASHP and Air Cooled Chiller

d. DOAS w/ Radiant, with ASHP and Water Cooled Chiller

e. DOAS w/ Radiant, with Electric Boiler and Air Cooled Chiller

f. DOAS w/ Radiant, with Electric Boiler and Water Cooled Chiller

g. DOAS w/ Radiant, with Electric Resistance and Air Cooled Chiller

h. DOAS w/ Radiant, with Electric Resistance and Water Cooled Chiller

i. DOAS w/ Radiant, with GSHP

j. DOAS w/ Radiant, with Gas Boiler and Air Cooled Chiller

k. DOAS w/ Radiant, with Gas Boiler and Water Cooled Chiller

l. VAV w/ Radiant, with Gas Boiler and Water Cooled Chiller

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