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Cooling System COP

Engineering Inputs

Patrick Chopson avatar
Written by Patrick Chopson
Updated over a week ago

The Coefficient of Performance is the ratio of useful energy vs the input energy. It describes a systems energy efficiency and relates directly the heating and cooling energy used in a project. Higher COP values are better and will result in less energy, operating cost and operating carbon used by a project.

COP of a cooling system is the ratio of useful heat removed over the work required. A COP of 1 means that all input work is used to remove heat. COP above 1 are typical for cooling equipment such as direct expansion split systems, water and air cooled chillers.

The Cooling System COP input is located on the Baseline page, under the Building Systems tab. The default values are populated based the Energy code defined on the Project page. The COP used by the simulation is an average for the year.

Additional information on conversions can be found in this article

Further reading on COP

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