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Carbon Footprint

Understanding the Terminology

Patrick Chopson avatar
Written by Patrick Chopson
Updated over a month ago

Carbon footprint refers to the amount of greenhouse gasses emitted by human activity. Also known as the climate-change metric, a carbon footprint is expressed as the equivalent tons of CO2, Carbon Dioxide, generated from the beginning to end process of enacting human activity. Thus the metric allows for a tangible measurement, in unit-kilogram, to compare and analyze the environmental impact, direct and indirect, of every choice and resulting environmental reaction.

In construction, the issue of climate change is an impending dilemma. Buildings contribute to over 40% of the total carbon emissions in the United States. Global Warming continues to affect our cities and the impact is forcing the industry to change and be more conscious of the landscape we build.

Learn more about the cost of your carbon footprint and move towards carbon reduction processes. The carbon footprint metric is a science on its own, but beginning a mindset to be environmentally thoughtful may help towards reversing man-made climate change.

Pro Tip: analysis.tool can help understand the impact of energy and energy cost which is a good indicator of the carbon impact of the element.

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